"Guido" (Gino in Canada) is a pejorative slang term for a young, lower class or working class, Italian-American or Italian-Canadian male from the urban Northeastern United States or urban Central Canada, most often New York and the surrounding area due to the large number of Italian-Americans living in the area.
The Guido stereotype is often portrayed as humorously and incorrigibly uncultured, with a thuggish and overtly macho attitude and an unyielding pride in his Italian ancestry

Mike Rowe, ala cu meseriile murdare de pe Discovery (eu ii ador emisiunile) cauta meserii...Daca ai vreo sugestie ii poti propune...

Eu unul ma gandeam la urmatoarele meserii:
1. Popa.
2. Politician.
3. Roman.
De ce esti luat drept fraier daca ai putin mai mult bun simt?
    Spune NU drogurilor!


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